Monday, March 20, 2006

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP - United States - Trademarks on the Internet � Fair Play or Fair Game? (16/03/2006) from Mondaq

Here's a change of pace for you. This article presents a pretty good summary of the challenges of trademark law in the Internet age. Weigh in with your opinion.
Grim find shows normalcy still eludes New Orleans - Yahoo! News

(Click on title above to see full article).

"Katrina Fatigue" may be widespread, but the bottom line is that there are 400 people still missing more than 7 months after the tragedy. This is America still, right? Home of CSI and Murder, She Wrote and Bones? We can figure out what the driver of a stolen taxi was eating for breakfast on the basis of a dislodged pebble from his tire tread, but we can't find bodies in a demolished city area? Here's a hint: look under the rubble of the places where the people LIVED.

I'm coming across as a bit bitter today. Not sure why.

Maureen told me the other day that mail service to their home is "every couple of days," restaurants are open only occasionally with very limited hours, grocery stores are crowded (since many are still not open) - in short most of what we take for granted in this country is simply not happening in New Orleans. Again, is this still America? Times-Picayune Updates:
Insurance costs for Louisiana residents and farmers will increase by 50% but will cover substantially less (things that actually cause damage and the need for insurance, for example). Hurricane damage? Not covered. Hail? Nope.

I like to look on the bright side of things. Here's my attempt for this one - since the local economies have been devastated by the aftereffects of Rita and Katrina, people probably could not have afforded the rates at the original levels, so they aren't actually any worse off.

My favorite quote:

"'The only way we survived those events was reinsurance,' VanDreumel said. 'The only reason we're doing this is the cost of reinsurance.' "

In other words - we had to pay out a ton of money for last year's claims. Now we have to get it back from these horrible people to whom we paid it.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

AOL video service to debut with Intel, Kraft ads - Yahoo! News

Former Nexchangers continue to be ahead of the curve in all things Internet. Joe Michaels was recently promoted to Director, Business Development for MSN. He does all of the MSN entertainment deals including video and other streaming content. Now AOL wants to catch up a bit. Joe, your market value is skyrocketing by the minute! Way to go, bro! "You're da best!"